Tip6: How To Succeed At Big 4 Dieting -Paleo, Keto, AIP, SCD
So we just started one of the Big 4 Diets (Paleo, Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP), Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), and Keto Diets)?! We have now entered some of the most restrictive diets known to man…but we mustn’t fear! It is so easy to get caught up on what we can’t eat which can quickly lead to discouragement. So how can we overcome this massive emotional mountain?
Embrace the new!
First, we need to change our thinking! No longer is it, “I can’t eat this, that, and the other on the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol” but we change our thinking to “I never knew this food could taste so good!” Many of us have developed a very deep love for those foods we once ate before we started a Big 4 Diet (AIP, SCD, Paleo, Keto). We ate certain foods when we were upset, we had our favorite breakfast, our preferred restaurant, and our go to snack food. However, we have now realized that this food relationship just wasn’t working…like for reals, these foods were abusing our bodies in some circumstances! So what do we need to do? We must (perhaps painfully) breakup with our old diet! As sad as it is we are entering a new relationship… this new diet that treats us right with a name of Paleo, AIP, SCD, or Keto. We can give them a pet name if we’d like! J All joking aside, the sooner we can accept our new lives and discover the foods perhaps we never really appreciated the better.
Make a plan.
The Big 4 Diets (Paleo, AIP, SCD, Keto) aren’t for the weak in heart so we need to be prepared to be successful. If we take the time to make a plan week by week we will do well. Here are some ideas:
- Always be a week ahead of schedule with planning
- Every meal you prepare save a little for leftovers or to freeze in an emergency or when time is short
- Prepare portable snack foods that can be enjoyed on the run or in a pinch
- Use Paleo Perfection Grass Fed Beef Protein which includes an organic superfood blend ready to serve any time of day (AIP, Paleo, Keto & SCD compliant)
It will take some time to adjust but before too long we will be gurus that love our diet as much as our previous one! Happy dieting! #autoimmunehn