The Five Most Common Myths on Paleo Diet-Busted
There are always two perspectives to every story; one being a protagonist and the other antagonist. In the real world, differentiating between the two is rather complex. And the paleo diet is no exemption for such misconceptions that many people often get confused with. While the paleo diet has changed the lives of many people, some still have negative opinions about the Paleo diet. For those who are intrigued by the paleo diet and want to get started, beware of the many untruths spoken about this way of eating and how it could benefit you. So, let’s try and deal with some of the most popular myths about this popular diet.
Myth 1: Paleo Diet Is All About Eating Only Meat
Fact: The main takeaway is that a healthy paleo diet meal should contains two-thirds of non-starchy vegetables and some starchy veggies ( as listed in AIP ),150-200 grams of meat or fish protein, and the rest is healthy fats present in the food or drizzled over the food. While protein is the key to the Paleo diet, because it helps stabilize blood sugar levels- yet, it’s not where most of the calories come from.
Myth 2: Paleo Diet Is All About Enormous Weight Loss
Fact: Yes. As you are on a paleo diet (a very disciplined diet), many paleo converters experience a significant amount of weight loss, which means losing extra fat and gaining healthy weight and muscle mass which results in improved performance and endurance levels. The other major benefit you get from going paleo is the improvement of your gut health and digestive system, increase in energy, muscle tone, and strength as well as reducing the chances of autoimmune conditions.
Myth 3: Paleo Diet Is A Zero-Carb Diet
Fact: Paleo IS NOT a zero-carb diet or all about restricting the intake of carbohydrates, but more of avoiding sugary foods, processed foods, artificial sweeteners, and other toxic substances that may flare up inflammation. The grains are avoided in this diet because, most of the grains like wheat, rye, barley contain gluten, a hard protein that is very hard to digest and is found to cause gut inflammation in 80% of the population. Paleo rather helps people consume healthy complex carbohydrates from sources such as whole fruits, plantain, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, beets, carrots, and potatoes.
Myth 4: You Will Starve on The Paleo Diet
Fact: You will never go into starvation mode when on the paleo diet. One of the major benefits of going paleo is that you can eat generously as much as you like, as the type of foods you eat on paleo are unprocessed and contain fiber-rich foods that keep you full and satiated. This dietary plan consists of high-fiber and protein foods that provide you with a long-lasting energy boost.
Myth 5: Paleo Diet Is Expensive
Fact: This is another big misconception about the paleo diet. As with any other diet, the best way to work on a budget-friendly diet is careful planning. If you adhere to the right paleo diet tips and have a good plan of action before you hit the grocery store, you can make appropriate meals even without burning a hole in your pocket. You rather practice good shopping with financial discipline when on a paleo diet, as you only buy ingredients and not readymade products.
Final Thoughts: Paleo diet and AIP are all about getting people to eat healthier and for sustainable living. Autoimmune Health & Nutrition encourages a healthy way of living and dietary life style. Our paleo perfection protein powder is specially formulated for those on a paleo diet and AIP. It has an organic superfood blend that compliments a grass-fed bone &adhering meat collagen. It is available in three delicious flavors. Our AIP protein powder is clean and devoid of all unhealthy substances. It is non-GMO, soy-free, sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, and allergen-free with no sugar added. Start eating right for a healthy and happy life!