Every day, on an average, the US records over 23 million autoimmune cases. There are more than 80 varieties of autoimmune diseases, some of which you may have heard of like celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, type I diabetes, thyroid disease, alopecia, multiple sclerosis, to name a few.
Any kind of autoimmune diseases can cause different symptoms that range from mild to severe. While there are various treatments to keep the symptoms in control, there is currently no cure nor quick and easy diagnosis found for these autoimmune diseases.
In this article, we have tried to answer some of the most common questions about autoimmune diseases, like what exactly are autoimmune diseases? What causes autoimmunity? And so on. Read on to learn more.
What Is Autoimmune Disease?
Autoimmune disease is the term used to describe diseases that share the same basic cause: the cause that makes the immune system malfunction. Our immune system is designed to protect our bodies from foreign invaders and infections. In autoimmune conditions, rather than protecting from foreign invaders our immune system mistakes the healthy cells, tissues, and organs and attacks them. This leads to autoimmune disorders.
When the immune system attacks joints, it results in rheumatoid arthritis, when it attacks the skin it leads to psoriasis, and in the case of celiac disease, it occurs when the immune system attacks the gut. The causes of autoimmune diseases are still a question mark but the scientists believe that heredity, gender, lifestyle factors, environment, and possibly inflammation caused by viruses, bacteria toxins, and drugs are the major factors that can trigger Autoimmune diseases.
Who Is Affected By Autoimmune Disease?
Autoimmune diseases can occur in anyone. In fact, 1 in 15 Americans is affected by autoimmune disease, and it's more than likely that everyone knows someone affected by these diseases. These autoimmune diseases affect people of all age groups from children to adults to elderly people. In most cases, women are affected four times more frequently compared to men during the childbearing years.
Some autoimmune diseases affect a particular group of people more than others; For instance, type 1 diabetes is most commonly seen in people of Northern European descent, while lupus is more prevalent in African-American and Hispanics. Additionally, people living in higher latitudes with low sunlight like the Pacific Northwest, have a higher likelihood of developing multiple sclerosis and inflammatory bowel disease.
How To Identify If I Have an Autoimmune Disease?
Autoimmune diseases are chronic, disabling, and lifelong diseases that can be difficult to diagnose. Symptoms may vary and can present themselves in different ways often flaring on and off and sometimes may even get worse. Once the symptoms begin it's important to seek medical help. The physician will check the family history and genetics, track disease symptoms, access the risk factors such as food sensitives, infections, and toxins, and provide you with a medication that controls the symptoms. If the symptoms are not controlled, then you will be referred to a specialist based on the condition.
Is There Any Cure For Autoimmune Disease?
Currently, there is no cure for autoimmune disease. The best that can be done is to manage symptoms. You can manage the autoimmune condition symptoms by taking proper consideration in your daily diet and following regular exercise routines. Avoid the inflammatory foods such as dairy products, nuts and seeds, legumes and beans, sugars, processed foods, nightshades, alcohol. On the flipside you can include healthy foods in your diet like grass-fed meat, wild-caught fish, fruits, avocados, dairy-free fermented foods such as kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha made with coconut milk, or kimchi.
How Can I Prevent Autoimmune Disease?
There is no way guaranteed in preventing an autoimmune disease from developing. But you can take small steps to support your immune system and reduce the risk of developing autoimmunity. Keep your immune system healthy by avoiding inflammatory foods as much as possible, including immune boosting foods, getting an adequate amount of sleep, keeping yourself self-hydrated, avoid eating preprocessed and canned food. By taking self-care and better control of your food you may avoid disease.
Bonus Tip:
While you are on an AIP diet you need to focus on healthy eating but sometimes due to underlying conditions or age factors, our bodies may not completely absorb the nutrition from the foods we are taking. In such conditions, it is advised to include an AIP diet supplements in your diet. These paleo diet supplements align perfectly with your autoimmune protocol and help relieve the symptoms.
Autoimmune Health & Nutrition provides autoimmune protocol supplements such as AIP protein powder that is made from grass-fed bone & adhering meat, organic superfood blend, and free from any artificial flavors and sugars. Order the product today.